Instagram Fan Page: How To Create A Million-Follower Fan Page & More

Create an Instagram fan page

Have you ever thought of creating an Instagram fan page? Well, if you did, this post is for you.

Along with the fan page basics like Fan page ideas or how to make fan video edits for Instagram, you will get clear-cut instructions on how to start a fan page. And of course, a list of the most popular Instagram fan pages as of 2021 will also be provided. 

If you are intrigued, continue reading!

Think Outside The Box – Instagram Fan Page Ideas 

No matter if you are totally new to the Instagram fan page concept, or have some experience running a fan page out of love for a favorite pop star, Hollywood actress, or actor. In order for you to make a successful Instagram fan page, you should prove creativity, passion, and effort.

Instagram fan page ideas are where your journey for a nation’s best fan page begins. The two less obvious ways to generate ideas for a fan page are surprisingly a cookie-cutter approach of analyzing other fan pages or targeting the relevant hashtag(s).

Depending on where you are in your fan journey, there are two likely scenarios. 

The first, if you are obsessed with a physical object like a celebrity’s fashion, bodybuilding, makeup, or good looks. Then, unless you are a professional artist, Pinterest, Imgur, or other websites with lots of crowd-sourced celebrity photos are your websites of choice.

The second, if you are an admirer of a non-physical object, like a character trait or a domain of expertise for example. Fan page ideas may come from anywhere. Some of the possible sources for your content inspiration are other fan pages on Instagram(not necessarily on the same subject), Twitter, 9Gag, TikTok, YouTube, for design inspiration – Canva, DesignBold, Crello, etc.

Search over Pinterest for a celebrity fashion, for example

๐ŸŽ ย  Bonus Tip: Before you even search for Instagram fan page ideas, you should decide on what is the single most important thing about your fan page. Is it a person and his/her lifestyle, expert advice and guidance, or a movement (political, social, etc.)? The core of your page will not determine how successful it will be, but it will help you easily find more fan page ideas for Instagram. If you are interested in growing an online business, an Instagram fan page is also great forย social media advertising.

Learn From Example – Top 5 Instagram Fan Pages

The fastest way to learn how to start a fan page is, of course, by getting inspired by other fan pages.

Here is FeedPixel’s selection of the top 5 Instagram fan pages in sports, most played computer games, and music. As you can see below, nearly all of them have hundreds of fans and a decent (or average) engagement rate. 

Most Popular Minecraft Fan Page 

With over 1600 posts @minecraftbestofbuilds is two planks short of hitting half a million Instagram followers. Its Instagram engagement rate is pretty much the standard one for accounts with under 1M followers and amounts to 2%. Over 10k likes and about 30 comments are what this Instagram fan page gets on average. 

Largest Minicraft Building fanpage on Instagram

Its two runner-ups @minecraftbuildinggod (355k followers) and @minecraftdailyblock (342k followers) also have bearable engagement rates, at 3.4% and 2% respectively.

Most Popular Sports Fan Page

Not surprisingly, the LeBron James fan page comes second to Cristiano Ronaldo’s Instagram fan page. There are hundreds of fan pages for these renowned sports stars, yet some managed to amass millions while others could barely scratch a few hundred.

In fact, @cristiano.ronaldo7_  has 1.3 million followers and a 1.3% engagement rate, while Lebron. King. James has 1.1 million followers and just 0.8% engagement on Instagram. By all accounts, Christiano seems to have beaten James. This again accentuates the importance of a fan page’s central topic.

Fan page of Christiano Ronaldo

Speaking of sports, Nike’s fan page called with 30k Instagram followers also does pretty well compared to other sportswear brands. 

Nike Instagram fanpage

Top Instagram Fan Page In Fashion and Hair & Beauty

You may not expect, Cardi B fan page to rock in multiple categories. Her fan page @cardibbb_official has over 400k followers but a surprisingly low 0.8% engagement rate.

Cardi B Official Fan account Instagram

Even so, the average number of likes per post is 3,5k likes, which is quite a number for a celebrity fan page, right? 

The other two runner-ups, @dabaddiecardib and @kardicute amassed 340k and 163k followers respectively, all three totaling nearly 1 million Instagram users following her. Is that a surprise that Cardi B fans rule Instagram fashion, hair, and beauty categories?

What Makes For a Successful Instagram Fanpage

Drilling down the details of a successful Instagram fanpage, let’s analyze the pages mentioned above. 

To start, the number of followers does depend not only on the type of content but how well defined the niche is.

It is clearly visible in placing the Instagram fan pages side-by-side. 

Instead of going broad into computer games, going deep into selecting ones like Minecraft or PUBG. Same with sports, instead of focusing on sports in general it is best to build a fan page around a sports star like Cristiano. 

The next thing to consider is the frequency of uploads. Evidence shows that the most successful Instagram fanpages upload photo and video posts, Stories, Reels, and Carousel posts daily. While not every post receives an equal number of comments and likes, a fan page manages to build up steady growth over time.

But speaking of uploads it is important to keep a page active to facilitate growth. This is clearly seen in Cardi B’s fan pages. The top one, while having the most Instagram followers, has almost stopped growing as no posts have been added since February 2021. 

Below the average Instagram engagement rate further proves the drop in post-activity as no new content has been added to the page. In contrast, the other two with lesser followers count had a much higher engagement rate, at 2% and 1.4% respectively. This is likely because of the active uploads (both pages have uploaded over 25 posts in August alone and have been consistent throughout the year. 

Last, but not least, users seem to appreciate carousel and video posts more than the regular ones. And, creators behind fan pages know it. There are roughly 1-2 carousels or video posts for every 5-7 posts on the Instagram fan page.

How to Make a Fan Page on Instagram Step-by-Step

Now, the most important part – how to create a fanpage on Instagram. Once you already know your niche, the kinds of posts, and decide on the time of posting, it’s high time to set up a fan page. In short, the mythical fan page is that same Instagram Business account with fanship in mind. 

STEP 1: Make sure you have downloaded a suitable profile photo before you sign up for a fanpage account. If you have one Instagram account that you are logged in to, to sign up for a new one you should log out first. If you want to turn an existing Instagram account into an Instagram fan page simply log into it and head over to Account Settings. Then, proceed to step 3 skipping the next step.

STEP 2: Sign up with an email or a phone number, enter your full name and password and hit “Next”. 

STEP 3: Type in the username associated with whoever or whatever your fandom is, and choose a suitable password. 

STEP 4: You will be asked to connect Instagram to Facebook, which you can skip and connect at any time in the future. Simply click “Skip”, and then, when Instagram suggests that X number of your contacts are on Instagram tap “Next”.

STEP 5: Upload a profile photo by tapping “Add photo” and “Choose from Library”. Once done, hit “Next” to go to your Instagram page. 

STEP 6: Right below the followers, following, and post count, you will see an “Edit Profile” icon. Tap to add Instagram bio (up to 150 characters), change a profile icon or account settings.

Congratulations, your first fan page just went live.

Final Tips on Instagram Fan Page 

Now as you know how to generate Instagram fan page ideas and analyzed the most popular of fan pages on Instagram, and created your own, it’s time to start uploading rocking posts.

A good rule of thumb is to have 3-4 posts a week or more. If you are struggling to find more post ideas, the Instagram search for hashtags and profiles will lead you in the right direction. 

Once you have found the edge, keep it consistent across all of your Instagram posts. Do not from one filter to another, switching the colors and fonts. This creates a distorted image of a fan page as if the horde of creators competed against each other. 

Focus on the quality of images or videos you are uploading. The most engaging posts apparently are the best quality ones. Invest time in finding the right resource and layout before starting to post. 

Like any social network, the purpose of Instagram is human interaction. Find other fan pages, follow relevant hashtags, and creators in your niche. Like and save their posts and tag them in captions.  

๐Ÿ“Œ We suggest you also post Instagram Stories, Boomerang videos, and carousel posts as those are among the types of posts that users interact with most. Read how to create custom collages and color gradients in our Instagram Stories Hacks post. 

Last but not least, if you are paying attention to all the above but nothing is seemingly working, pause and re-evaluate content. That said, the number of followers is not the only criteria for growth. Your overall Instagram engagement matters. An Instagram fan page may not have as many followers but have viewed, liked, and commented more than another one with inactive followers.

๐Ÿ“Œ Trying to quickly get ahead but failing to improve post engagement, you can buy Instagram likes.

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