Jess FeedPixel – FeedPixel All-in-One Social Media Marketplace Mon, 27 Sep 2021 09:00:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jess FeedPixel – FeedPixel 32 32 Instagram Fan Page: How To Create A Million-Follower Fan Page & More Fri, 17 Sep 2021 09:28:55 +0000 Have you ever thought of creating an Instagram fan page? Well, if you did, this post is for you.

Along with the fan page basics like Fan page ideas or how to make fan video edits for Instagram, you will get clear-cut instructions on how to start a fan page. And of course, a list of the most popular Instagram fan pages as of 2021 will also be provided. 

If you are intrigued, continue reading!

Think Outside The Box – Instagram Fan Page Ideas 

No matter if you are totally new to the Instagram fan page concept, or have some experience running a fan page out of love for a favorite pop star, Hollywood actress, or actor. In order for you to make a successful Instagram fan page, you should prove creativity, passion, and effort.

Instagram fan page ideas are where your journey for a nation’s best fan page begins. The two less obvious ways to generate ideas for a fan page are surprisingly a cookie-cutter approach of analyzing other fan pages or targeting the relevant hashtag(s).

Depending on where you are in your fan journey, there are two likely scenarios. 

The first, if you are obsessed with a physical object like a celebrity’s fashion, bodybuilding, makeup, or good looks. Then, unless you are a professional artist, Pinterest, Imgur, or other websites with lots of crowd-sourced celebrity photos are your websites of choice.

The second, if you are an admirer of a non-physical object, like a character trait or a domain of expertise for example. Fan page ideas may come from anywhere. Some of the possible sources for your content inspiration are other fan pages on Instagram(not necessarily on the same subject), Twitter, 9Gag, TikTok, YouTube, for design inspiration – Canva, DesignBold, Crello, etc.

Search over Pinterest for a celebrity fashion, for example

🎁   Bonus Tip: Before you even search for Instagram fan page ideas, you should decide on what is the single most important thing about your fan page. Is it a person and his/her lifestyle, expert advice and guidance, or a movement (political, social, etc.)? The core of your page will not determine how successful it will be, but it will help you easily find more fan page ideas for Instagram. If you are interested in growing an online business, an Instagram fan page is also great for social media advertising.

Learn From Example – Top 5 Instagram Fan Pages

The fastest way to learn how to start a fan page is, of course, by getting inspired by other fan pages.

Here is FeedPixel’s selection of the top 5 Instagram fan pages in sports, most played computer games, and music. As you can see below, nearly all of them have hundreds of fans and a decent (or average) engagement rate. 

Most Popular Minecraft Fan Page 

With over 1600 posts @minecraftbestofbuilds is two planks short of hitting half a million Instagram followers. Its Instagram engagement rate is pretty much the standard one for accounts with under 1M followers and amounts to 2%. Over 10k likes and about 30 comments are what this Instagram fan page gets on average. 

Largest Minicraft Building fanpage on Instagram

Its two runner-ups @minecraftbuildinggod (355k followers) and @minecraftdailyblock (342k followers) also have bearable engagement rates, at 3.4% and 2% respectively.

Most Popular Sports Fan Page

Not surprisingly, the LeBron James fan page comes second to Cristiano Ronaldo’s Instagram fan page. There are hundreds of fan pages for these renowned sports stars, yet some managed to amass millions while others could barely scratch a few hundred.

In fact, @cristiano.ronaldo7_  has 1.3 million followers and a 1.3% engagement rate, while Lebron. King. James has 1.1 million followers and just 0.8% engagement on Instagram. By all accounts, Christiano seems to have beaten James. This again accentuates the importance of a fan page’s central topic.

Fan page of Christiano Ronaldo

Speaking of sports, Nike’s fan page called with 30k Instagram followers also does pretty well compared to other sportswear brands. 

Nike Instagram fanpage

Top Instagram Fan Page In Fashion and Hair & Beauty

You may not expect, Cardi B fan page to rock in multiple categories. Her fan page @cardibbb_official has over 400k followers but a surprisingly low 0.8% engagement rate.

Cardi B Official Fan account Instagram

Even so, the average number of likes per post is 3,5k likes, which is quite a number for a celebrity fan page, right? 

The other two runner-ups, @dabaddiecardib and @kardicute amassed 340k and 163k followers respectively, all three totaling nearly 1 million Instagram users following her. Is that a surprise that Cardi B fans rule Instagram fashion, hair, and beauty categories?

What Makes For a Successful Instagram Fanpage

Drilling down the details of a successful Instagram fanpage, let’s analyze the pages mentioned above. 

To start, the number of followers does depend not only on the type of content but how well defined the niche is.

It is clearly visible in placing the Instagram fan pages side-by-side. 

Instead of going broad into computer games, going deep into selecting ones like Minecraft or PUBG. Same with sports, instead of focusing on sports in general it is best to build a fan page around a sports star like Cristiano. 

The next thing to consider is the frequency of uploads. Evidence shows that the most successful Instagram fanpages upload photo and video posts, Stories, Reels, and Carousel posts daily. While not every post receives an equal number of comments and likes, a fan page manages to build up steady growth over time.

But speaking of uploads it is important to keep a page active to facilitate growth. This is clearly seen in Cardi B’s fan pages. The top one, while having the most Instagram followers, has almost stopped growing as no posts have been added since February 2021. 

Below the average Instagram engagement rate further proves the drop in post-activity as no new content has been added to the page. In contrast, the other two with lesser followers count had a much higher engagement rate, at 2% and 1.4% respectively. This is likely because of the active uploads (both pages have uploaded over 25 posts in August alone and have been consistent throughout the year. 

Last, but not least, users seem to appreciate carousel and video posts more than the regular ones. And, creators behind fan pages know it. There are roughly 1-2 carousels or video posts for every 5-7 posts on the Instagram fan page.

How to Make a Fan Page on Instagram Step-by-Step

Now, the most important part – how to create a fanpage on Instagram. Once you already know your niche, the kinds of posts, and decide on the time of posting, it’s high time to set up a fan page. In short, the mythical fan page is that same Instagram Business account with fanship in mind. 

STEP 1: Make sure you have downloaded a suitable profile photo before you sign up for a fanpage account. If you have one Instagram account that you are logged in to, to sign up for a new one you should log out first. If you want to turn an existing Instagram account into an Instagram fan page simply log into it and head over to Account Settings. Then, proceed to step 3 skipping the next step.

STEP 2: Sign up with an email or a phone number, enter your full name and password and hit “Next”. 

STEP 3: Type in the username associated with whoever or whatever your fandom is, and choose a suitable password. 

STEP 4: You will be asked to connect Instagram to Facebook, which you can skip and connect at any time in the future. Simply click “Skip”, and then, when Instagram suggests that X number of your contacts are on Instagram tap “Next”.

STEP 5: Upload a profile photo by tapping “Add photo” and “Choose from Library”. Once done, hit “Next” to go to your Instagram page. 

STEP 6: Right below the followers, following, and post count, you will see an “Edit Profile” icon. Tap to add Instagram bio (up to 150 characters), change a profile icon or account settings.

Congratulations, your first fan page just went live.

Final Tips on Instagram Fan Page 

Now as you know how to generate Instagram fan page ideas and analyzed the most popular of fan pages on Instagram, and created your own, it’s time to start uploading rocking posts.

A good rule of thumb is to have 3-4 posts a week or more. If you are struggling to find more post ideas, the Instagram search for hashtags and profiles will lead you in the right direction. 

Once you have found the edge, keep it consistent across all of your Instagram posts. Do not from one filter to another, switching the colors and fonts. This creates a distorted image of a fan page as if the horde of creators competed against each other. 

Focus on the quality of images or videos you are uploading. The most engaging posts apparently are the best quality ones. Invest time in finding the right resource and layout before starting to post. 

Like any social network, the purpose of Instagram is human interaction. Find other fan pages, follow relevant hashtags, and creators in your niche. Like and save their posts and tag them in captions.  

📌 We suggest you also post Instagram Stories, Boomerang videos, and carousel posts as those are among the types of posts that users interact with most. Read how to create custom collages and color gradients in our Instagram Stories Hacks post. 

Last but not least, if you are paying attention to all the above but nothing is seemingly working, pause and re-evaluate content. That said, the number of followers is not the only criteria for growth. Your overall Instagram engagement matters. An Instagram fan page may not have as many followers but have viewed, liked, and commented more than another one with inactive followers.

📌 Trying to quickly get ahead but failing to improve post engagement, you can buy Instagram likes.

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TikTok FYP: Everything You Need To Know About FYP Algorithm 2021 Mon, 30 Aug 2021 10:32:35 +0000 What does FYP mean on TikTok? And how do you get on TikTok FYP? Hashtags to get on FYP? Looks like you’ve got some questions about the TikTok For You page.

If you go to TikTok and write the #FYP hashtag you find out that there are 14178.6B views as of the time of writing this article. 

By the time this article gets indexed and ranked, you will probably see a totally different number.

So the question remains all the same: what is TikTok FYP and how to get on FYP?

To the question of what is TikTok FYP, we will answer right away quickly and give you an example. 

Tiktok #FYP is a hashtag that shows the latest trends on the platform.TikTok FYP algorithm works in such a way that shows the videos that each individual will likely be interested in.

In that, feed on the TikTok FYP page is different and dependent on the history and the engagement of each individual person. Simply put, For You page videos are different for every user.

Now let us talk about how to get on FYP and the hashtags to get on the FYP, with some tips so that you could maximize your chances of getting views and likes. 

How to get on FYP

Getting on TikTok For You Page is not an easy task if you are a new TikTokker.  There are many things you need to do and follow a strict diet of strategies and tactics. 

If you are someone with at least 1k followers, things get easier and the likelihood of you showing up on the FYP page is far greater. 

However, despite that,  we will teach how the TikTok FYP algorithm works, and some TikTok FYP hashtags to help you get there, regardless of the number of followers you have. 

How does TikTok FYP algorithm work 

Let’s explain this seemingly mythical and magical feature that many social media platforms have today. 

The algorithm follows a set of codes and works in a predictable way. Yet for some people, it seems otherwise. 

On the one hand, some people think understanding the algorithm will help them get on the TikTok FYP page easier, while on the other hand, this is not really the case. 

As one needs to know and understand more than just the algorithm to get on the TikTok FYP page and focus on far more important aspects than the TikTok FYP algorithm. 

However, if you are interested and want to find out how does TikTok FYP algorithm work, this is how:

The very second your video is posted on TikTok it gets shown for two types of people. 

This might seem a bit overwhelming or hard to understand but we will go through each step and box in detail and explain to you how the Tik Tok algorithm works.

Before we move on, it is important to mention that there will be a chapter on TikTok FYP hashtags, and how to make the best of them. 

If you are just interested in learning about the hashtags part, click here. 

It seems a lot has been happening since the moment your video was posted, right? 

First, let go down the “followers route” to explain how this side has the power to make your video go viral. And, for the sake of simplicity, we will just name the next chapter accordingly.

TikTok followers 

TikTok For You page algorithm infographic

Did you ever notice that when you open the app on your phone the first page you are on is actually a “For You” page? 

Unlike many other platforms, especially Instagram, TikTok wants the creators to be discovered and be able to do that far quicker. 

That is the reason why, For You page is the default, whereas on Instagram you would only see the posts from those you follow.

This helps the new creators to be discovered and explored if they have good content and are picked by the algorithm we have just drawn up top. 

That also means the engagement and the views along with the duration from the new users matter just a bit more than the followers. 

On the contrary, if you constantly make good videos, and you get the same person to view, comment, like, share, etc. more than once with your video. 

This is a great sign that the person likes your channel and the algorithm will be automatically showing your videos first to that particular person.

The more the user engages the more you will be on top and on their FYP page. So, this goes hand in hand with the new users.  

If you have good content and you gain traction from the new users, your clips will be shown to more new people which in turn will gain even more traction. 

So, it is all related and the core, the root cause is your content

It is no wonder every blog post you read, or every other YouTuber keeps telling you to work on your content. 

You can’t imagine how important the content is on social media platforms these days. 

Tiktok FYP algorithm 

Considering that your videos are first shown to the general public, it is also important to get some reactions from not just the followers but first-time visitors.  

This goes to prove the same point again, that your content is really important and if you are looking to be liked by the algorithm that is what you should pay attention to. 

Once your video is shown whether to your followers or new people, there are three things that matter the most (in no particular order): 

  • Engagement 
  • Views 
  • Watch time 

These factors are important regardless of the person watching the video. If you focus on increasing the metrics of your video. You are going to be viral in no time. 

There are, however, secondary factors that the TikTok algorithm takes into account as a whole. 

Yet these three are taken into consideration when placing your video on the FYP page. 

That is the reason why we called this chapter the TikTok FYP algorithm, even though there is just one algorithm on TikTok. 

The secondary factors are captions, sounds, hashtags, location, and user history

The user history plays a big role if your video is being shown to that user for the first time. In fact, your video arrives at a certain screen depending on the user’s interactions and history.

For example, if your video is DIY videos, and the user has watched a bunch of those, you are likely to show up no matter what. 

However, his reaction and engagement determine how many like-minded people are going to see your video. 

The more engagement and views you gather from a certain type of people, the more followers and the more often you will be popping up. 

All things considered 

Selected groups that algorithm shows TikTok videos to

Apart from the second we have quickly touched on the importance of engagement be it from your followers or new viewers. 

Those are the bread and butter of the TikTok algorithm, meaning that is what they pay attention the most to. 

So, now let us assume you have excellent content that gets a lot of attention. The way it goes viral is if you have many people engage with it, and engage with it from the moment that is posted. 

The more your subscribers engage the more it will be shown to people of that interest. The more those people engage, the more it will keep being shown to various different types of people with all kinds of interests and hobbies. 

So, assuming that your video was shown to group one and the video received positive reinforcement, it will be automatically shown to the next group, so on and on.

Interests of users matter 

Now how does the algorithm decide to show your video to people with different interests?

Now let us look at this pie chart below and imagine this is the report of your viewers’ interests. 

Your video was shown initially to your followers who have other interests like gaming and the next wave was shown to a number of new visitors with the same interest

According to their reaction, the video keeps being shown to the next, group and next group, whosoever has the most engagement, your video will be popular among them. 

Most popular TikTok niches

This is why you might hear many gurus talking about niche selection and how targeting a select few is important. And they are right. Even from the point of algorithm and the potential to be on TikTok FYP.

But it is not just the group with the same interest, the more views and engagement it gathers, the video continues being shown to all kinds of other people as well. 

As we mentioned, even the location will be an important factor for when the video is distributed.

Algorithmic hell or heaven?

We have examined how your video gets shown to people of one type then, depending on their engagement and views, to the next, and next, and so on. 

But what if you are just starting out and it is your first video?

You have no followers, and you have vaguely selected your niche which could change depending on the reactions. 

Let us assume this scenario and discuss how you make TikTok FYP heaven that delivers the views to your doorsteps or the hell which drives the traffic elsewhere, somewhere out where your videos don’t exist. 

Let’s go back to the point we have made two times already, and it is that content is the most important aspect of any algorithm. 

However, we won’t be talking about how to make the best content on TikTok or any other platform for that matter (we can’t stress enough its importance).

So when you think about the two scenarios of your video being shown to people. When you are new you won’t have the basic audience.  

Thus, if you have bad content, and no one likes, or comments, or views it. That video is doomed.

Of course, the TikTok algorithm is nice enough that it will keep recommending your video to different people even after the negative reactions. But that won’t happen eternally. 

The most effective waves are the first four, then it will be categorized as a less interesting video where it will be shown to the group that hasn’t viewed it until there are no more new groups of people left.

That is your responsibility to find out and make the best content you possibly can make. 

When you can make the best content there are a few things to make sure your video will be sent to TikTok FYP algorithm heaven rather than otherwise.

A few things to send your video to “algorithmic heaven” 

3 most popular video categories on TikTok

If you google anything relating to the type of video you should make you end up reading all kinds of stuff with nothing useful. 

There are many sites now that list all kinds of stuff without really explaining the fundamentals of the video streaming platforms. 

No matter how many niches they write up or list on their blogs. There really are only three categories regardless of what platform you are in. 

You could be making videos for YouTube or TikTok. The main reason many people turn to these platforms is either for entertainment or education or perhaps, occasional inspiration. 

TikTok especially with the introduction of the new 3-minute video feature has attracted more people for all other purposes than just entertainment. 

Sure, the TikTok platform as a whole started as being one that promotes creativity and fun video. But as the platform grew, so did the creators and viewers of those other topics. 

So, those three topics are the ones you need to understand, and to choose one of them as a category for your TikTok niche. 

We say category on purpose as this is the third of the whole platform’s possible topics. And with that being said, there are many other subcategories or topics within those three. 

For example, if you dance, sing, or make funny videos you are in the entertainment category. However, if you try to teach something, then obviously you are in the educational category. 

It may seem like there are many more categories than just these three, but, in fact, there really are not. Those are just the big categories within those three. 

Either way, mastering to amuse,  teach, or motivate audiences will be one of the best skills that may come in handy in your TikTok FYP journey. 

Value proposition 

On the topic of TikTok FYP and how to get there. We have discussed the algorithm and the big categories to really give you an idea on the video’s consumption culture. 

Now that you know, you need to be either entertaining, teaching, or inspiring people. You may come to understand what that actually means. 

What it really means is that you need to provide some real value. Be it in the form of entertainment or amusement. The viewer must get something. 

That is why the next big thing after the content is the value you provide. Of course, you might look at some chicks like D’amelio or Addison Rae, and think how come they are not providing any value?

This is a valid question, the answer to which is none, except some vaguely philosophical assumptions and accusations of the concurrent culture and the tastes of the audience. 

Yet, our postulating on the weaknesses of the culture will not bear any meaningful answer but instigate it even further. Especially if we were to take the popular presumption that they have quite a body. 

Whatever it is, if you really want to get on top of the TikTok FYP game, accept it the way it is and understand that life is not fair.

However, when it comes to algorithms, they are as fair as they get. Because it is just a set of codes running in the background that follows whatever the coder puts in. 

So, you understand how the algorithm works, and how important the content is while getting some insights into what the value proposition is. 

Why it is important is simple. It is important to keep the viewers on your videos and give them something to come back to. 

That makes 

Content value matters to TikTok FYP algorithm

very important!

Those few things 

Although we promised to go over a few things to send your video to heaven, that time has only come. Because before we give out a few good things, you have to understand why you need those.

Not just why, but how understanding the basics of algorithms, especially the TikTok FYP algorithm will help you get your content featured.

Because when you are doing those few things we will talk about next, you will always have to keep in mind what we have taught you above.

Now, finally for the moment of truth, what are they? 

  • Optimizing the keywords/ hashtags 
  • Engaging captions 
  • Interesting content 
  • Being unique and creative

Let us go over each in a bit more detail and teach you some practical things you can do right now to send your video to TikTok For You Page.

Optimizing the keywords and hashtags 

We are not going to hide the fact that you probably heard similar things somewhere else and we are writing about nothing new. 

Yet, we also want to reiterate the fact that those are truly the only things you have control over. So, why not make the things you can control great and to the best of your ability?

Because that way you get to control the destiny of your account and the possibility of going viral on TikTok.

Although just a few, these things do really matter and truly help your videos go viral. Let us get to it. 

Hashtag optimization

Tiktok is a platform that heavily relies on hashtags and keywords for its search algorithm to work. That is good news for the theTikTokers. 

Because in order for your videos to go to TikTok heaven all you need to do is follow a few rules, which we will talk about soon. 

Before we move on, there is just one thing we need to clarify. If you have heard that #FYP is important and is able to get your videos viral. That is BS. 

There is no one magical hashtag that gets your videos viral. It just doesn’t exist. 

The hashtags you use must be able to add value to the already great content you ended up with. How? 

Well, by explaining what the video is truly about. This means in most cases, you won’t even be using the FYP hashtag. 

Even if you were to use it, that just doesn’t guarantee you any positive results, let alone taking you up to the top of the TikTok FYP page. 

For example, you have a video where you make jokes. Thus, using hashtags #jokes #funny would be a far better fit than just FYP. Plus, you could specify it even further by adding what your joke is about. 

Continuing the example, if it is a your-mama joke, include #yourmama.

By narrowing down the hashtag not only are you clearly telling the algorithm what the clip is about but the viewers as well. 

If anyone ever lands on your page and sees your captions and hashtags, which they usually don’t, but if ever they inspect they should have a clear idea of what the video is about. 

The paradox is that you are actually doing this more for the algorithm than people. But the algorithm wants you to make viewer-tailored videos. Anyway, that is a win-win situation.

Keyword optimization 

Keywords are managed in much the same way as hashtags. Except you can include keywords where you cannot include a hashtag. 

Technically you can. But it is not ideal to be including hashtags everywhere you can. But the opposite is true with keywords but in moderation. 

Include keywords like the best your mama joke, funniest your mama joke, or something like that if you are in that same niche. 

Of course, keywords will be different, but you get the idea. 

There is a school of thought that puts keywords higher on the priority than the videos, thus first they make the keywords research before making any video on it, then move with the clip. 

So, if you want to be sure that there is an audience for your clips, you could adapt that strategy. 

This strategy is widely used on YouTube, but even with TikTok and under the goal of TikTok FYP, you could make use of it, and still gain something valuable from it. 

However, whether you choose to go with that tactic or not, don’t forget to include keywords in your captions, descriptions, and sometimes, as the first comment on the clip.

On the topic of captions, let us talk more about them. 

TikTok captions 

Another important warning before we move on. 

Tiktok has introduced auto-captions

Although many people are turning to auto-captions and think it is very comfortable, we are totally against it. We understand how the algorithm behind it works and know that auto captions are far too young to really understand what your video is about. 

So, stay away from automatic captions.

Now for the captions, and what you need to do to be on TikTok FYP.

Do you remember the three big categories of video consumption? 

You can go back and refresh your memory if you don’t, the idea is that your captions should literally tell you what your video is about. 

Additionally, it should attract the viewers by : 

  • Intriguing; 
  • Asking a question;
  • Telling a fact;
  • Depicting a story;
  • Shocking with quote; 

Whatever else you can come up with. You may be familiar with the cliche of clickbait.

The idea is not to click but to really come close and at the edge of truthful depictions that it lures the mind of a viewer.

Above are just some of the ways, where there are way more and more unique/creative ways. You will have to come up with some yourself. 

Don’t be afraid to be bold and outspoken.  You can also learn it from other people in your niche and model it somewhat similar but different. 

Interesting content 

We were constantly saying that content is important and there is no choice but to reiterate that again. 

However, what makes good content then? 

Good content has three main characteristics: 

  • It is interesting;
  • It solves a problem;
  • It is actionable;

This applies mainly to content within inspiration and educational categories. But you can twist it or mold it to fit into the entertainment. 

Also, when it comes to entertainment, it doesn’t have to be actionable. But can you change that part to be creative or unique? 

That just depends on what you prefer but there is also another important idea you need to understand. 

It is also one that we mentioned a bit earlier, but also one that is equally important. And it is the value proposition. 

We won’t go deep in detail because we already did. But you should take that concept and apply it to your content. 

Best of all, advice and recommendations will always be that you should be unique and yourself. Yet, keep in mind that you being you is not enough and requires you to work harder. 

To wrap up 

In wrapping up the TikTok FYP, let us recap what we have learned and what are some of the things we debunked and list the tips we mentioned.  

The TikTok algorithm gives each of your videos a fair chance and sends it across various groups of people with various interests, and gathers information of their reactions. 

📌   You can learn more about the insights shown in TikTok Analytics in our TikTok For Business post. Note, post insights are only available for Pro accounts, and switching to a TikTok Pro account will not cost you anything.

Depending on how positive or negative the reactions were, TikTok will circle your video around another group of people with different interests, sending it to the previous group who engaged with the most first, and if they keep liking and engaging it is sure to be a hit among them. 

After gathering the data from all the groups, the algorithm sends it again to groups of various people with various interests, including those who did act very positively.  

Your video goes from one group to another until there is no group left that has either viewed, liked, or ignored it totally. 

If your video received those positive reactions from the time it was posted, it is likely to go viral sooner whereas if it did not, it might just slowly disappear into the abyss of TikTok FYP hell.

Frequently Asked Questions

When you google “TikTok FYP”, there are some questions that pop up on the side as well, and those are usually the questions we answer within the article. 

However, with this term, there were only two questions and were not the kind that would have automatically been answered. 

What does FYP mean on TikTok?

FYP means “For You Page”, a personalized Feed, as it is referred to on TikTok. 

Either way, understanding this is just a hashtag that shows the latest trends and popular clips for each individual based on the TikTok algorithm. 

Can I use FYP on Tik Tok?

Yes, you can! And you should. But it is important to understand that using this hashtag won’t solve all your TikTok FYP problems.

Using the FYP hashtag on TikTok may just increase your chances a little bit, but it is likely that your video will be lost in the sea of millions of other videos that are also using that very hashtag.

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Make Instagram Story: Add Multiple Photos, a Song & More [Steps] Fri, 06 Aug 2021 12:29:22 +0000 To make Instagram Story, you simply need to access your Instagram Story and start filming. 

Although this seems so simple, how do you make a Story with songs, and tags, etc? How to add multiple photos to Instagram Story, or add links, and perhaps, change the background color?

These are the things we will discuss in this piece and show you exactly how you can make an awesome Story that makes all your friends jealous, even if it’s a business account. 

#1 How To Add Multiples Photos To Instagram Story 

One of the easiest ways to make an Instagram Story and a collage at the same time is to upload multiple photos into your Story. 

It is very straightforward and simple to do this. 

  • Click on the Plus icon at the bottom of your Instagram window. 
  • Once you are in the gallery view, look on the right side where you must have the option to choose multiple  photos to Instagram Story.
  • By clicking on the photos you want to post, you can bring them up into the Story view, where you can make further edits. 

Remember, there are many other things you can do apart from adding multiple photos to Instagram Stories, such as adding various shapes and forms. 

We will specifically talk about URL links and how you can leave links on your Stories. But so far you need to know that it is possible to add links on Instagram Stories, even when you have multiple photos on your Story.

#2 Make Instagram Story: How To Add Song To Instagram 

Before we move on to talk about how to add a song to Instagram, it is important to mention that this feature is new and not available everywhere yet.  

However, wherever it is available, it is really simple to add. There are two ways to go about this.

  • First open Instagram and tap plus icon and etcs and go to Story view. 
  • Once on the Story view, record it or add photos, links whatever. 
  • Then tap the sticker icon on the right top. 
  • When it pops up, it will show you various things you can add and choose music to add to your Instagram Story. 

The other way to do this is very sneaky and can be accomplished even in countries where the official music symbol is not available. 

To add a song to Instagram Story this way, all you have to do is to play music before you shoot the Story. 

  • Open any third party music player, and play your favorite music or the trendiest one.
  • Shoot your Story and post it with all edits and features.
  • Your Story will automatically have that music which was playing in the background by default. 

The only downside to this method is that Instagram’s algorithm finds out that you have used music without a reference. Your Story will not have any voice to prevent it from copyright infringement. 

#3 How To Change Background Color On Instagram Story 

Changing the background of your Stories is just as simple as the other things we have just explained. For sure, a catchy background is how influencers make Instagram Story. You will need to tap a few more areas than you normally would. 

But you will get your desired background irrespective of what the Story has, a video, a photo, Reel whatsoever. 

  1. Go onto the Story view, or upload a new picture to your Story. You can even use premade background pictures, or video. 
  1. Once you are on the Story page, pinch in with two fingers to make your picture smaller. And as to reveal what has Instagram selected as a background for you. 
  1. Then, tap the scribble icon on the top right side of the screen next to the text icon.
  1. If you want to create a solid background , you can do that by tapping on the brush icon then choosing the background color you want. Sometimes you may need to tap on the screen and hold it for a few seconds for it to take hold.
  1. However what if you want to create a background that is a bit more opaque and reveals what is beneath. You can do that by choosing the highlight icon that  is right after the upward arrow. 
  1. There is going to be the second brush tool on the left side of your screen that lets you choose the size of the ball you will be using. 
  1. The second brush is there for you to use and determine the opacity if you chose to color the whole background into one solid color. 
  1. Even though you have a solid background that is blocking your photo, you can use an eraser tool to remove some of the areas of the color to make it visible. 
  1. Now you have to save it to post it live on Instagram Story. 

#4 Make Instagram Story: How To Add Link To Instagram Story 

Adding a link to Instagram Story has been only available to verified accounts, or accounts with more than 10k followers. 

However, recently Instagram announced that they are experimenting with letting everyone else add links to their Instagram Story. 

Even though this feature is not available in all the countries, there is a trick way to do this, which we will also talk about. 

First you need to make sure you have a business account. Only people with business accounts can add links and so on.

Add link to Instagram Story following these steps:

  • Open Story
  • Click on the hyperlink icon
  • Choose URL
  • Add your URL 

However,  in case if this option is not available in your area or account for some reasons, don’t worry, you can do it the other way around:

  • Open Story 
  • Click on the hyperlink icon
  • Choose IGTV 
  • Add a video

Note that you need to add your link into the description of the video.  And the title of the video should also indicate there is a link the viewer should press to cross. 

This may create an extra step for the views, to go fist to your IGTV then only head over to the link. 

After all, it is better to have some way of sharing your link than not at all. 

#5 Make Instagram Story: How To Tag Someone On Instagram Story

Tagging someone on Instagram is necessary if you are posting a Story with someone else and you want to credit them in your Story.

Perhaps, you just want to show the world that you’re celebrating a birthday party with a friend, whom you want to tag. 

It is simple to tag someone on Instagram Story, follow these steps to do it. 

  • Create your Story. 
  • Click on the text icon.
  • Choose @ then write the name of the person.
  • Modify the tagging to your lining.

You have successfully tagged someone on Instagram Story. Now apart from those things we have discussed, there are some hacks and tips you need to know to create one of a kind.

#6 Make Instagram Story: Instagram Hidden Tips 

After discussing some of the how to-s on making Instagram Stories, there have been so many left out. To discuss it all in full detail would definitely take a lot of time.

However, there are some tips and tricks of Instagram and Story that you should absolutely learn about. Not just to make Instagram Story as hard as you can. But to make your life easier.  

We just talked about tagging people. Now let us discuss it from the point of video of the person being tagged. 

What if you don’t want to be tagged?

What can you do to remove the tag? Let us get to it.

Hide The Tagged Photos Of You

Tagging someone on Instagram is a good way to show you friendship and togetherness. However, if you overdo it. It can be irritating and make you want to hide the photo altogether. 

Follow these steps to remove that photo.

  1. Open your profile on Instagram. 
  2. Tap on the photos of your tab. 
  3. Choose the photo you want to remove. 
  4. On the right top corner there is that three dots icon, tap on it.
  5. When you do, you should click on the remove me from the post option.

This is how you hide the photos you were tagged in.  

Send Disappearing Content

Sending disappearing videos or a photo is a great way to make Instagram Story special for just one person. 

It truly is like you are sending a whole new Story for an individual or a group of people. 

The best part about it is that if you send it to a group and it wasn’t great content, it would still disappear. Leaving you free from embarrassment. 

So to send disappearing content: 

  1. Open your IG messages either by tapping on the “Send” icon or a message icon.
  2. Then tap on the camera icon, which is going to be located next to the name of the person you want to send this to.  
  1. Take your video or the picture, add some effects if you want, then choose from the bottom menu how many times will the receivers be able to see it, then just click send. 

That is how you send disappearing content to make Instagram Story something unusual and unique for someone. 

Stop To See Stories From Accounts You Don’t Want 

Another cool and very useful thing to know about when it comes to Instagram Story is to be able to not see the Stories from the accounts you don’t want.  This is also a very simple task.

  1. All you need to do is go to the profile of the person you no longer wish to see Stories from.
  1. Tap on the arrow account right beside the following button. That will open up a dropdown menu from which you need to choose mute. 
  1. However, muting will also give you an option to their mute posts or Stories.

Depending on whether you want to mute only the Stories or the posts too, you choose one and that’s how you stop seeing Stories from that person. 

See Posts You Liked

You might want to see the post you liked for a number of reasons. Perhaps, you want to be unlike the photo of your best friend with whom you have a love and hate relationship. 

Perhaps, take the likes back from the posts of your ex. Let us find out how you can see the posts you liked.

  • Go to your by tapping on your picture on the right button. 
  • Then, click on the settings icon. 
  • Go to account settings. 
  • Find “Posts you’ve liked” from the list.

Voila, you will see all the posts you liked. In fact, you could scroll down to see the post you liked from a long-long time ago. 

So, this should give you a clear heart if you want to cut total ties with your ex. 

Setting Up Notifications 

Setting up or turning off notifications is a great way to be aware of what your close friends are up to or not if you don’t feel like it. This may even remind you that after a certain post is released by someone, you should make Instagram Story too.

  • To do that you also need to go to the profile of the person in question. 
  • Find the bell icon next to their name on the top side of your screen.
  • When you click on it, it will list you things like posts, Stories, etc.
  • Choose what you no longer wish to receive notifications for then close the window.

Setting Timer

Setting a timer especially for the time spent on Instagram is probably one of the greatest functions built in the platform. 

Because it lets you find out how long you spent on the app and records your time on the platform. And informs you when you are overspending your time. 

That is just counterintuitive and against the policies of many other social media platforms, that you end up liking it even more. Liking it even more results in you spending even more time. But regardless of what results and what comes. 

To set the daily reminder follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile. 
  2. Click on the three arrows on the top right corner of your screen. 
  3. Go to the setting from there.
  4. Choose Account Settings.
  5. Go to your activity. 
  6. Spite to time. 
  7. Choose the “Set daily reminder”  tab.
  8. Choose how much time you want to spend on the app and set the reminder. 

Now every time you pass that limit, the app will inform you.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Free Instagram Story Makers 

Making Instagram Story in and of itself is a free feature available on the platform. Thus, there is actually no need to wonder if making a Story is free.

However, if you want to use third-party apps or some outside help then making a Story may cost you something. 

Many reasons why you want to use external help. For example, the filters and the colors, and the features in general of Instagram may not be enough.

When you turn to a third-party service they may be able to provide you with some of those things you may need. 

So, we will list some of those apps and platforms that may help you make Instagram Story online and free. 

  1. Over 
  2. Storyluxe 
  3. Unfold
  4. Later
  5. Canva

However, the best tool we recommend and, in fact, use often enough is we are not affiliated in any way or whatsoever.  

Canva is just the platform that offers the most on a free package. Plus, it is really easy to use.

How To Make Instagram Story Templates  

Creating a template to make Instagram Story can be accomplished with the list of companies above. 

Also, there are other ways of making Instagram Story templates, like with Adobe products. However, these methods require considerable skill from you. 

Thus, it is better to turn to one of those platforms above to make that template you can use many times after.

Instagram Story Background

You could be looking for not just the whole template to make an Instagram Story, but just the background. 

If you are looking for an Instagram Story background, good news for you. You can do that within the app itself. 

Instagram has many features within the Story that we have discussed today. You can use some of those features like a paint Brush which will turn your background into a solid color. 

There is also a way of preparing the background with the usage of those programs above. 

To Wrap Up 

Instagram has many features to an Instagram Story as one of the funniest and the interesting parts of the app. 

Making Instagram Stories can in fact be fun, entertaining, and bring some business results when done right. 

In this piece we have discussed some tips and tricks you may not have known about while answering the burning question from the Internet and Google’s frequently asked questions. 

📌 Check out the Instagram Stories Hacks: from Boomerang Tricks to Paint Brush Tool to get to know the real hacks and make Instagram Story the main driver of traffic on your channel.

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Instagram Stories Hacks: from Boomerang Tricks to Paint Brush Tool Thu, 01 Jul 2021 05:24:43 +0000 Instagram Stories hacks are in numbers, so many that reading just one blog article will not give you enough information. 

However, cruising around on the net for singular information is not the optimal use of the internet and your time. 

Did you know that the Instagram Stories have quite the number of features that may overwhelm many while may fall short of some other’s approval. 

For an average Joe, or Jane, the former is more true than not. 

Did you know that instagram Stories can create a Boomerang effect out of just an ordinary photo?

This, and more of the instagram Stories hacks you can discover in this article. 

Let us dive in without a further adieu. 

Instagram Stories Tricks #1 A Tap Takes You To The Post 

Creative instagram Stories have an easier way of  implementing the tips and tricks that we will be discussing. 

However, this one requires little to no creativity. Yet it will make for one heck of a cool instagram Stories tip. 

This is one of the most beneficial Instagram Stories hacks. To make the Story link to your post, you need to open that particular post. Click on the share button that also looks like a paper airplane. 

Select the add to the Stories option, which must be on the top. Thus, arrange the photo depending on how you want it to look. 

For example, if you have a prepared picture or a custom preset, or something. You can paste it by double tapping on the screen and choosing the option to paste. 

Of course, this assumes you already copied the picture to the clipboard. Depending on the type of picture you have prepared. 

For example, if it is with some round holes in the middle, perhaps with a square, or rainbow circle Instagram Story preset. 

Whatever, you need to arrange both depending on your wish to present it in your Story. Then, when you go to your Story, Instagram will give the option to double tap and go to that specific post. 

Instagram Stories Hacks #2: Boomerang Tricks

If you want to make Boomerangs on your Story but don’t feel like shooting one outside. The best approach yet is just to turn a picture to Boomerang. 

That is if you know how. If you didn’t, we will be discovering cool instagram Stories tips like turning a picture into a Boomerang now.

One catch before we turn to instagram Stories tricks on Boomerangs. The picture must be fresh. That means they have to be taken within 24 hours, and have to be live photos. 

Thus, this is one of the only instagram Stories hacks that work on iPhone only. 

So, when you go to your picture on your phone. You need to either copy it or send it to Stories to post. 

Once you open the picture, tap and hold on the picture till your phone automatically turns it into a Boomerang.  Simply as that. Yet this is one of the creative Instagram Stories that will catch everyones’ eyes.

You don’t have to turn the camera roll to Instagram Story, you can even get them from the Stories screen by choosing the picture from the left bottom side. 

If you are wondering about how to add multiple photos to Instagram Story this is also how you do this. 

Instagram Stories Hacks #3: Custom Collage 

Creating custom collages hasn’t been easier than this, ever  before. It is so simple that you can do it with just a few taps on the screen.

By the way if you have Instagram Story questions, comment or ask right below. Feel free to ask things like how to post multiple Stories on Instagram, or how to add multiple photos on Instagram. 

To create collage, you remember that  you could choose pictures from the  story screen? This is kind of how we are going to do it.

You need to open your Instagram and tap on the plus icon or the middle icon on the  screen, then choose the story option. 

This part is thus far clear and is not really one of those crazy Instagram Stories hacks. 

However, when you open the gallery, you can choose more than one picture, and more than once. 

This means you get to choose a picture and arrange it, or position it in any way you would like, then go back to choose another picture and do the same all over again as many times as you would like. 

Now how is that for a hack? So, let us continue our Instagram Stories hacks with the next trick. 

Instagram Stories Hacks #4 Text Hacks 

If you are thinking of releasing an instagram question post, choosing the right text is important.

What is more important is the color you dip into those blocks of text which will speak your words. 

Among the various ways possible to turn them into magical words that will not just speak your words but sell your product, or perhaps bring more people onto your site. 

We will discuss only the few, but you have all the freedom to experiment or choose the ones that you think fit better. 

When you type out a word in your Story, did you know that you can set the color of the text similar to other objects on your screen, and /or within that picture?

To do that, you need to select the color icon on the top menu and choose the eyedropper tool on the  left bottom to pick any color. If you want your text to look like some other element in your photo. 

You need just move the cursor, or that tool to wherever color you want.

You can also choose from the suggested number of colors usually lined up along at the bottom of your screen.

🌈 Creating a Color Gradient 

To create a color gradient in and of itself is a very cool feature for any Instagram Stories hacks.

But to be able to do that on the Stories screen is on another level of coolness.

So, when you write a certain text on your Instagram Story. 

Select it like you would select any normal text on any normal device by tapping twice on it. 

Then, select one of the given color icons. 

Hold with one ginger at the beginning of the text, while holding with the other at the beginning of the color of the icon you chose. 

Then start dragging slowly letter by letter. 

When you finish, with all the letters, Instagram will automatically color your text into different colors that you chose throughout the dragging process.

However, you are an influencer or an aspiring one, and want to learn how to post multiple questions on Stories like the mega influencers do, check other hacks below. 

Instagram Stories Hacks #5: Brushing To Create Cool Instagram Stories 

This is one of the effects on your Instagram Story that will bring not just more engagement but also, more questions of how you did this trick. 

To achieve this effect, go to your picture and tap to share it and send to Stories. 

Once you are on the story creen, click on the color icon, and choose one color. 

Change the background to that color by tapping and holding the screen. 

Once the screen takes in that color. Choose the pen-like brush tool and adjust the size from the left side. 

Then start moving the slider however you want. You can say, hey, or hi, or type out your name whatever creative instagram Stories texts that come to your mind. 

Then, the area you brush over will be transparent while leaving the rest of the screen with that color you initially turned it into.

Leaving just a trail of transparent background makes your picture look so creative and unique. In fact, it is one of those instagram Stories hacks that not many people know about. 

You by doing this will leave all your followers in awe, in awe of what incredible things you can create just by tapping and moving your fingers on the screen. 

To Wrap Up 

Discussing the instagram Stories hacks is almost as fun as creating them. 

So, now that you know 5 of the coolest ways such as rainbow circle Instagram Story, or from camera roll to Instagram Story.  

Also, how to add multiple photos to Instagram Story to how to post multiple Stories on instagram. 

Additionally, you know some of the most useful instagram Stories hacks that you could use for every purpose. 

📌 We have your Instagram Story questions that have been answered in this post. However, if you still are wondering about other Instagram Stories tricks, you can check out our Instagram category for more. 

📌 Plus, don’t forget to check out  how to grow your business on Instagram to learn about the unique ways to grow your business. 

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TikTok For Business – How to Make Most of It in 2021 Wed, 09 Jun 2021 06:37:54 +0000 TikTok For Business has been announced as an official new platform by TikTok that will service the business accounts and their marketing needs. 

If you have not heard about this and are wondering what TikTok For Business is, and how to use TikTok For Business. 

Also, can you grow your business with TikTok?

In this piece we will uncover what TikTok is used for in terms of business marketing. And how TikTok small businesses can spread awareness and increase their sales and other business metrics with TikTok. 

Let us dive right in.

What is TikTok For Business 

TikTok For Business is fundamentally just a sort of account on TikTok that lets you do the same thing with a bit more tools given from the platform itself. 

One of the particular things that TikTok business accounts allow you to do is create branded  hashtag challenges.  

This challenge lets the users take part in your hashtagged content  and the TikTok showing it on the main page.

TikTok promised an average engagement rate of 8.5% though likes, comments and others. 

They will also brand videos with brand logos and other effects that are particular to the brand making the TikTok. 

The idea is that you don’t want to break out with ads, but with TikToks that help your ads break out. 

TikTok For Business doesn’t offer a lot if you were to think about it from the TikTokkers point of view, it is just encouraging businesses to get behind the camera and be active in driving the new trends and cultural changes. 

How to Get TikTok Business 

Getting TikTok For Business is an easy task that can be accomplished within just a few steps. 

You can follow some of the steps below to learn how to get TikTok For Business. 

  1. Once you open the app, tap on the ‘Me’ icon.
  2. Then, on the top right corner, click on the three vertical dots.
  3. On the very top, you need to tap on the “Manage Account”.
  4. From the menu, you need to choose which account you want.

TikTok For Business helps you track your followers and audience in a much better way. 

The analytics you will have access to with a business account has more capabilities than on the personal one. 

You will also be able to enter your email address and show a link on the bio. This option is only available with TikTok For Business.

Having the link to your website could really help you in an increase of sales or at least the traffic which is only helpful. 

How Do you Get your Website on Bio? 

Of course getting your website and the link to it is an important task or part of TikTok For Business strategy. 

So, follow these steps and learn from the graphical representations of them.

  1. Tap on the ‘Me’ icon.
  2. Then, instead of tapping on the three dots this time, you can tap on the Edit Profile button.
  3. Then from the list of menu, ,choose where it says Website and enter your website

Apart from entering just the website, you can also include your email

Because if you are a business in a service industry, that helps the users of TikTok to contact you  easily with just a few taps.  

Making your brand seem like the kind of service that cares for its customers, and their opinions. 

Can you Grow your Business with TikTok? 

The answer to this question is obviously yes,  and below are the reasons why.

TikTok has  launched quite a number of “reforms”, so to say, to make the platform both user-friendly and business-friendly. 

One such thing is the ability to place ads on the platform and target it to the users of your choice. Although, the price of the ads have been revealed or set to a certain amount. 

One can say it is going to be cheaper than other social media platforms. As the platform is just gaining popularity and growing, that seems like an appropriate strategy. 

There are many more reasons. But it is obvious that many of those reasons will be personal or particular to your business. So, that means you will need more than the reason to grow your business with TikTok. 

But the TikTok For Business strategy is what we will talk about next.

TikTok For Business Growth Strategy

Growing your TikTok account for business purposes, or otherwise, is actually the way you would grow a normal account.

However, certain strategies work better than others. Thus, we will talk about some that work well with TikTok For Business growth strategies. 

Personalize your Business 

Personalizing your business makes it seem like the next TikTok account that the audience can relate to. Thus, by relating they may go from being just the audience on TikTok to your customers. 

It also helps the TikTok For Business account to be more authentic.  Especially, if you are not a huge business like Chipotle or Nike with millions of customer-base. 

You will need to gain reputation and trust from your future customers. Gaining that requires authenticity on any social media platform. 

The easiest way to increase the authenticity and the reputation, trust, etc. is not just by personalizing but doing it with a face behind it. 

Consequently when people watch your TikToks it should represent the face of the company. If it is your business then you, or someone as important to the business as the inventor or the creator.

Business-like Approach 

Although the platform asks and requires you to be more human and personalize your TikTok For Business. 

The real strategy behind should be as snobby and as official as possible. What does that really mean?

It means adapting a business-like approach to growing your TikTok For Business.

Business-like approach means to pay attention to the analytics and do research before posting each video and increasing the quality to the max.

When you open a business account on TikTok, the platform gives you a free analytics tool that helps you track the behavior of your audience. 

The TikTok analytics will overview, content and followers tabs that will further give more details on how the audience on your page are acting, behaving. 

Sure, it is not as advanced as Google Analytics, but still good enough to give a sense of how your TikTok For Business account is doing. 

Researching Before Posting

Research goes a long way when you are working with TikTok For Business. Well, in fact on any platform. It is virtually impossible to get results by posting something just because you felt like it. 

TikTok algorithm works in the simplest way possible for now, but as they grow, which they will, the platform will be implementing more diverse tools and progressive algorithms to complicate the process to benefit more.

We won’t judge or go any more deeper into this topic. But it is just a fact that every business exists to make money.

So, that means you should do the research and post videos that would have the possibility to go viral weeks into being released. 

This can only happen if you do proper research into keywords and hashtags and the trends and challenges.  

📌 You can read more on how to get TikTok famous 2021 guide to learn about those points we mentioned. 

To Wrap Up 

TikTok For Business is one such platform that wants to rival the other social media platforms and help the main platform solidify its position as one of the most popular social media platforms.  

We learnt what TikTok For Business was, and how to get TikTok bsiness not just running but going viral there.

Learn how to get TikTok For Business and the steps it has which are not a lot at all. 

Do you think you can grow your business on TikTok? What other ways of approaching TikTok do you use?

Want more guides and detailed blog posts from FeedPixel? Check out the TikTok category for all things TikTok. 

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