Instagram Stories – FeedPixel All-in-One Social Media Marketplace Fri, 06 Aug 2021 12:52:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Instagram Stories – FeedPixel 32 32 Make Instagram Story: Add Multiple Photos, a Song & More [Steps] Fri, 06 Aug 2021 12:29:22 +0000 To make Instagram Story, you simply need to access your Instagram Story and start filming. 

Although this seems so simple, how do you make a Story with songs, and tags, etc? How to add multiple photos to Instagram Story, or add links, and perhaps, change the background color?

These are the things we will discuss in this piece and show you exactly how you can make an awesome Story that makes all your friends jealous, even if it’s a business account. 

#1 How To Add Multiples Photos To Instagram Story 

One of the easiest ways to make an Instagram Story and a collage at the same time is to upload multiple photos into your Story. 

It is very straightforward and simple to do this. 

  • Click on the Plus icon at the bottom of your Instagram window. 
  • Once you are in the gallery view, look on the right side where you must have the option to choose multiple  photos to Instagram Story.
  • By clicking on the photos you want to post, you can bring them up into the Story view, where you can make further edits. 

Remember, there are many other things you can do apart from adding multiple photos to Instagram Stories, such as adding various shapes and forms. 

We will specifically talk about URL links and how you can leave links on your Stories. But so far you need to know that it is possible to add links on Instagram Stories, even when you have multiple photos on your Story.

#2 Make Instagram Story: How To Add Song To Instagram 

Before we move on to talk about how to add a song to Instagram, it is important to mention that this feature is new and not available everywhere yet.  

However, wherever it is available, it is really simple to add. There are two ways to go about this.

  • First open Instagram and tap plus icon and etcs and go to Story view. 
  • Once on the Story view, record it or add photos, links whatever. 
  • Then tap the sticker icon on the right top. 
  • When it pops up, it will show you various things you can add and choose music to add to your Instagram Story. 

The other way to do this is very sneaky and can be accomplished even in countries where the official music symbol is not available. 

To add a song to Instagram Story this way, all you have to do is to play music before you shoot the Story. 

  • Open any third party music player, and play your favorite music or the trendiest one.
  • Shoot your Story and post it with all edits and features.
  • Your Story will automatically have that music which was playing in the background by default. 

The only downside to this method is that Instagram’s algorithm finds out that you have used music without a reference. Your Story will not have any voice to prevent it from copyright infringement. 

#3 How To Change Background Color On Instagram Story 

Changing the background of your Stories is just as simple as the other things we have just explained. For sure, a catchy background is how influencers make Instagram Story. You will need to tap a few more areas than you normally would. 

But you will get your desired background irrespective of what the Story has, a video, a photo, Reel whatsoever. 

  1. Go onto the Story view, or upload a new picture to your Story. You can even use premade background pictures, or video. 
  1. Once you are on the Story page, pinch in with two fingers to make your picture smaller. And as to reveal what has Instagram selected as a background for you. 
  1. Then, tap the scribble icon on the top right side of the screen next to the text icon.
  1. If you want to create a solid background , you can do that by tapping on the brush icon then choosing the background color you want. Sometimes you may need to tap on the screen and hold it for a few seconds for it to take hold.
  1. However what if you want to create a background that is a bit more opaque and reveals what is beneath. You can do that by choosing the highlight icon that  is right after the upward arrow. 
  1. There is going to be the second brush tool on the left side of your screen that lets you choose the size of the ball you will be using. 
  1. The second brush is there for you to use and determine the opacity if you chose to color the whole background into one solid color. 
  1. Even though you have a solid background that is blocking your photo, you can use an eraser tool to remove some of the areas of the color to make it visible. 
  1. Now you have to save it to post it live on Instagram Story. 

#4 Make Instagram Story: How To Add Link To Instagram Story 

Adding a link to Instagram Story has been only available to verified accounts, or accounts with more than 10k followers. 

However, recently Instagram announced that they are experimenting with letting everyone else add links to their Instagram Story. 

Even though this feature is not available in all the countries, there is a trick way to do this, which we will also talk about. 

First you need to make sure you have a business account. Only people with business accounts can add links and so on.

Add link to Instagram Story following these steps:

  • Open Story
  • Click on the hyperlink icon
  • Choose URL
  • Add your URL 

However,  in case if this option is not available in your area or account for some reasons, don’t worry, you can do it the other way around:

  • Open Story 
  • Click on the hyperlink icon
  • Choose IGTV 
  • Add a video

Note that you need to add your link into the description of the video.  And the title of the video should also indicate there is a link the viewer should press to cross. 

This may create an extra step for the views, to go fist to your IGTV then only head over to the link. 

After all, it is better to have some way of sharing your link than not at all. 

#5 Make Instagram Story: How To Tag Someone On Instagram Story

Tagging someone on Instagram is necessary if you are posting a Story with someone else and you want to credit them in your Story.

Perhaps, you just want to show the world that you’re celebrating a birthday party with a friend, whom you want to tag. 

It is simple to tag someone on Instagram Story, follow these steps to do it. 

  • Create your Story. 
  • Click on the text icon.
  • Choose @ then write the name of the person.
  • Modify the tagging to your lining.

You have successfully tagged someone on Instagram Story. Now apart from those things we have discussed, there are some hacks and tips you need to know to create one of a kind.

#6 Make Instagram Story: Instagram Hidden Tips 

After discussing some of the how to-s on making Instagram Stories, there have been so many left out. To discuss it all in full detail would definitely take a lot of time.

However, there are some tips and tricks of Instagram and Story that you should absolutely learn about. Not just to make Instagram Story as hard as you can. But to make your life easier.  

We just talked about tagging people. Now let us discuss it from the point of video of the person being tagged. 

What if you don’t want to be tagged?

What can you do to remove the tag? Let us get to it.

Hide The Tagged Photos Of You

Tagging someone on Instagram is a good way to show you friendship and togetherness. However, if you overdo it. It can be irritating and make you want to hide the photo altogether. 

Follow these steps to remove that photo.

  1. Open your profile on Instagram. 
  2. Tap on the photos of your tab. 
  3. Choose the photo you want to remove. 
  4. On the right top corner there is that three dots icon, tap on it.
  5. When you do, you should click on the remove me from the post option.

This is how you hide the photos you were tagged in.  

Send Disappearing Content

Sending disappearing videos or a photo is a great way to make Instagram Story special for just one person. 

It truly is like you are sending a whole new Story for an individual or a group of people. 

The best part about it is that if you send it to a group and it wasn’t great content, it would still disappear. Leaving you free from embarrassment. 

So to send disappearing content: 

  1. Open your IG messages either by tapping on the “Send” icon or a message icon.
  2. Then tap on the camera icon, which is going to be located next to the name of the person you want to send this to.  
  1. Take your video or the picture, add some effects if you want, then choose from the bottom menu how many times will the receivers be able to see it, then just click send. 

That is how you send disappearing content to make Instagram Story something unusual and unique for someone. 

Stop To See Stories From Accounts You Don’t Want 

Another cool and very useful thing to know about when it comes to Instagram Story is to be able to not see the Stories from the accounts you don’t want.  This is also a very simple task.

  1. All you need to do is go to the profile of the person you no longer wish to see Stories from.
  1. Tap on the arrow account right beside the following button. That will open up a dropdown menu from which you need to choose mute. 
  1. However, muting will also give you an option to their mute posts or Stories.

Depending on whether you want to mute only the Stories or the posts too, you choose one and that’s how you stop seeing Stories from that person. 

See Posts You Liked

You might want to see the post you liked for a number of reasons. Perhaps, you want to be unlike the photo of your best friend with whom you have a love and hate relationship. 

Perhaps, take the likes back from the posts of your ex. Let us find out how you can see the posts you liked.

  • Go to your by tapping on your picture on the right button. 
  • Then, click on the settings icon. 
  • Go to account settings. 
  • Find “Posts you’ve liked” from the list.

Voila, you will see all the posts you liked. In fact, you could scroll down to see the post you liked from a long-long time ago. 

So, this should give you a clear heart if you want to cut total ties with your ex. 

Setting Up Notifications 

Setting up or turning off notifications is a great way to be aware of what your close friends are up to or not if you don’t feel like it. This may even remind you that after a certain post is released by someone, you should make Instagram Story too.

  • To do that you also need to go to the profile of the person in question. 
  • Find the bell icon next to their name on the top side of your screen.
  • When you click on it, it will list you things like posts, Stories, etc.
  • Choose what you no longer wish to receive notifications for then close the window.

Setting Timer

Setting a timer especially for the time spent on Instagram is probably one of the greatest functions built in the platform. 

Because it lets you find out how long you spent on the app and records your time on the platform. And informs you when you are overspending your time. 

That is just counterintuitive and against the policies of many other social media platforms, that you end up liking it even more. Liking it even more results in you spending even more time. But regardless of what results and what comes. 

To set the daily reminder follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile. 
  2. Click on the three arrows on the top right corner of your screen. 
  3. Go to the setting from there.
  4. Choose Account Settings.
  5. Go to your activity. 
  6. Spite to time. 
  7. Choose the “Set daily reminder”  tab.
  8. Choose how much time you want to spend on the app and set the reminder. 

Now every time you pass that limit, the app will inform you.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Free Instagram Story Makers 

Making Instagram Story in and of itself is a free feature available on the platform. Thus, there is actually no need to wonder if making a Story is free.

However, if you want to use third-party apps or some outside help then making a Story may cost you something. 

Many reasons why you want to use external help. For example, the filters and the colors, and the features in general of Instagram may not be enough.

When you turn to a third-party service they may be able to provide you with some of those things you may need. 

So, we will list some of those apps and platforms that may help you make Instagram Story online and free. 

  1. Over 
  2. Storyluxe 
  3. Unfold
  4. Later
  5. Canva

However, the best tool we recommend and, in fact, use often enough is we are not affiliated in any way or whatsoever.  

Canva is just the platform that offers the most on a free package. Plus, it is really easy to use.

How To Make Instagram Story Templates  

Creating a template to make Instagram Story can be accomplished with the list of companies above. 

Also, there are other ways of making Instagram Story templates, like with Adobe products. However, these methods require considerable skill from you. 

Thus, it is better to turn to one of those platforms above to make that template you can use many times after.

Instagram Story Background

You could be looking for not just the whole template to make an Instagram Story, but just the background. 

If you are looking for an Instagram Story background, good news for you. You can do that within the app itself. 

Instagram has many features within the Story that we have discussed today. You can use some of those features like a paint Brush which will turn your background into a solid color. 

There is also a way of preparing the background with the usage of those programs above. 

To Wrap Up 

Instagram has many features to an Instagram Story as one of the funniest and the interesting parts of the app. 

Making Instagram Stories can in fact be fun, entertaining, and bring some business results when done right. 

In this piece we have discussed some tips and tricks you may not have known about while answering the burning question from the Internet and Google’s frequently asked questions. 

📌 Check out the Instagram Stories Hacks: from Boomerang Tricks to Paint Brush Tool to get to know the real hacks and make Instagram Story the main driver of traffic on your channel.

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