Uncharted 4, Horizon, and PlayStation VR Headline Sony’s CES 2016 Trailer

Pricing and launch details for PlayStation VR are still unknown, however.

Sony had a pretty good keynote at the Consumer Electronics Show yesterday, where they showed off the full range of their high end consumer electronic products, as they try to regain their spot at the top of the consumer electronics world. Crucially, their keynote, as well as all of their official media at CES, shows us just how important gaming and PlayStation have become to Sony. For a company that originally wanted nothing to do with gaming, and didn’t even want its brand on the original PlayStation console, Sony has now embraced video games as one of its main core pillars.

The CES 2016 trailer is a testament to that- it shows off Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and PlayStation VR, all major PlayStation launches from Sony coming later this year.

Sadly, the launch date and pricing of PlayStation VR is still unknown- the headset is due to launch later this year, but pricing and launch details are still up in the air. With Oculus having blinked and announced pricing and launch details for Oculus Rift today, hopefully it won’t be long before Sony follow suit.

CES 2016Horizon: Zero Dawnps4psvrsonyUncharted 4: A Thief's End