Only partly for the reason you think.
"This will be an essential requirement for the bigger game studios on the next-gen."
John Kodera talks about "successful and powerful IPs" being made into franchises.
The existence of networks changes things, apparently.
PS5 may interact with "portable devices"; PS Vita support to end in 2020.
The plot continues to thicken.
The NPD Group's Mat Piscatella offers his take on Sony's future hardware releases.
Sony plans to release more first-party titles for the PS4 in the meantime.
Zelnick says that they did really well during the transition from the PS3 to PS4.
Focus is on the software instead.
Sony doubles down on its already announced lineup for E3 in preparation of the move to the PS5.
Does it make sense for Sony to launch the PlayStation 5 in the near future?
"I believe the current console generation will last longer than the previous, which is great for development," says Matt Pettit.
It is hard to argue with that.
A chip manufacturer may be clueing us in.
IguanaBee CEO believes that hyper realistic graphics are below story and gameplay on many players' lists.
"In this area, Steam is still number one."
“I think PS5 and next Xbox are both 2020.”
GamingBolt's Arjun Krishna Lal on where PC tech will likely be in 2019-20.
SideQuest Studios CEO says we're still a ways off from constant 60 FPS.